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Tuesday, 8 October 2013

In The Kitchen: Preserving Herbs

            Hi everybody! How are you? Hope you`re good. Do you like cooking? If you do, I`m sure you`ve used herbs such as rosemary, thyme, oregano, etc in your cooking. And I`m also sure that you`ve been in a situation which you couldn`t use your herbs in this week and it`s going to turn bad soon.

         Don`t worry! There`s a way to beat that -- freezing it in oil! It is simple. Cut herbs into small pieces so that it fits into an ice tray. Then, fill the ice tray with oil (preferably olive oil, but others work too). Then, toss it into the freezer. Done!
     It's also a great way to have herbs ready immediately for winter stews, roasts, soups, and potato dishes as they require oil to start cooking. So it is just like, take it out of the freezer, put on the pan, let it melt, and cook those onions. As simple as that! Furthermore, the herb-infused oil will add taste to the dishes.

       Here are tips for herb-in-oil preserving:
1. Choose firm, fresh herbs.
2. You can choose to chop or not to chop the herbs.
3. Fill the ice tray wells with 2/3 herbs only.
4. You can mix the herbs too!
5. Pour extra-virgin olive oil or melted unsalted butter into the ice tray.
6. Cover lightly with plastic wrap and leave overnight.
7. Remove cubes and store in containers and label them.

 That`s all from me! Good bye! 

Source: The Kitchn

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